Speed Dating 50 Four Corners Oregon

UPDATE 2/18/21

Sophisticated Simplicity. Our in-person speed dating events, virtual speed dating events and matchmaking services offer fresh alternatives for Portland singles. Whether you’re looking for a night out with fellow singles, prefer a night in with our virtual events or find one-on-one matchmaking to be your cup of tea, we bring just the right amount of flirty to suit any need. $50.00+ User Review: Xfinity. Use the below tables to compare high-speed internet service providers with internet speeds as well as data caps in Four Corners, Oregon. As far as the Four Corners committee is concerned, the trip took only sixteen days: they don't start counting until I check in at Madawaska, Maine. Speed Motorcycles are fast, everybody knows that. Unfortunately, I didn't keep careful track of my 'in the saddle hours' to estimate my average speed for the trip. Share Virtual Speed Dating for 50 Somethings - Washington DC with your friends. Save Virtual Speed Dating for 50 Somethings - Washington DC to your collection. Sun, Jan 17, 8:00 PM. Search our online dating site for singles in the Beaver State of Oregon. Join Match.com to meet quality singles like you today! Create a FREE Four Corners singles ad and start Four Corners dating online. It's not easy being single in Four Corners - but it's a cinch meeting single men and single women on Match.com.

Club Reopening Friday, 2/19/21


After the storm last Friday & Saturday we had a lot of damage to the gun club’s property, in fact after walking through the club I was not sure how we were going to get it cleaned up and the club open again in a timely manner......

Speed Dating 50 Four Corners Oregon House

Speed Dating 50 Four Corners Oregon

I put a message out to club members asking for volunteers to help with the cleanup and was not expecting much of a response since most of the members were dealing with their own clean-up issues, but I wrong........

We had a fantastic turnout, and even had people calling in sick to help get our club cleaned up and back to normal.........

All I can say is incredible, and thank you so very much for what you did.

Please give a huge thank you to the following members for taking time out of there busy schedule and helping get the club open again...

Bob Chambers, Dusty Freeman, Tim Taylor, Brian Resch, Tim Brown, Richard Noble, Ron Duncan, Jerry Newport, Daryl Fitzpatrick, Levi Vesper, Jack Wood, Paul Adarr, Joe McFadden, Kevin Galbraith.

Rick Reitz

Speed Dating 50 Four Corners Oregon

Speed Dating 50 Four Corners Oregon

Orientation Scheduled for Saturday, 2/20/21 has been postponed


For current range status information see below on this page.

Congratulation to our new and returning committee members.


Rick Reitz

Vice President:

Kevin Galbraith


Dave Kopecky


Jeff Crandall

Chris Alumbaugh

Tim Brown


Joe McFadden

Executive Officer:

Daryl Fitzpatrick

Outdoor Range Officer:

Bob Chambers

Indoor Range Officer:

Neil Dozler